Category : security

Thumb Drives, external hard drives, and all manner of accessories have become ubiquitous throughout the modern world. While they are useful and convenient, it is essential to exercise caution when plugging in unknown USB devices into your computer, and it is important to highlight the potential risks associated with plugging in unknown accessories into your devices. 

What harm can they do? 

  • Malware and Viruses - One of the most significant risks of using unknown USB devices is the potential for malware and viruses. Malicious actors may intentionally infect USB drives with harmful software designed to exploit vulnerabilities in your computer's operating system. When a compromised USB stick is connected to a computer, these malicious programs can spread, corrupt files, steal sensitive data, or grant unauthorized access to your system. 
  • Data Breach and Identity Theft - Plugging an unfamiliar USB drive into your computer can lead to severe consequences such as data breaches and identity theft. Malware on the device may be programmed to collect personal information, including passwords, financial data, or login credentials, which can then be exploited for fraudulent activities or unauthorized access to online accounts. 
  • Unauthorized Access and Backdoors - Unknown USB sticks can also be used to introduce backdoors or gain unauthorized access to your computer or network. Malicious actors may exploit vulnerabilities in your operating system, allowing them to control your computer remotely or use it as a launchpad for further attacks. This can compromise your privacy, lead to data loss, or even result in your computer being used for illegal activities without your knowledge. 
  • Physical Damage - In addition to digital risks, there is also a chance of physical damage when plugging in unknown USB sticks. Some USB drives may be designed to deliver a high voltage shock or damage the USB port, potentially rendering your computer inoperable. This type of attack is less common but highlights the importance of exercising caution with unfamiliar devices. 

What do I do if I find an unclaimed USB Device? 

Any unclaimed USB device, particularly data storage devices like thumb drives and external hard drives, should be secured and turned into ITS at Bennett 104 or to the Washburn University Police Department at Morgan Hall 135. 

Stay vigilant!  

 --WU ITS Information Security 


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