Category : security

Hello Ichabods!

Firstly, welcome to new incoming students, and for returning students welcome back! Washburn IT Services knows that you will find success, and we are here to assist you for all IT and computer related matters. 

On that note, we need to let you know about a recent security issue concerning job scams. 

Recently, Washburn users have been receiving several emails from multiple Gmail accounts claiming to be from one Dr. Robert Cialdini (who doesn't exist at Washburn!) offering a personal assistant job. This is a scam! Please use the Phish reporting tool if you see any of these emails, remember no Washburn University staff would use a non address for official university business and should never ask you for your personal information via email. All legitimate job postings can be found here on the Washburn University website


Some common signs of a job scam email are: 

  • Improper sender account - Most official Washburn business is from addresses - always confirm with someone you trust if you're not sure (forward any questionable emails to!) 
  • Attachments - the email wants you to click on something to view details 
  • A job offer that seems too good to be true, and does not meet in person 
  • A request to reship items, transfer money, purchase gift cards, and other suspicious transactions 
  • Though this is becoming less common: strange grammar or spelling mistakes 


Stay safe out there, and keep up the good work! 

WU ITS Information Security

For more information about cybersecurity topics, be sure to visit  


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