Category : D2L

As an instructor, you may find that you are teaching the same course or using the same course materials for two or more groups of students. If you wish, your Desire2Learn courses can be combined into one course. This process, called merging or crosslisting, consolidates your course rosters into one course from which you can administrate the online portion of two or more D2L courses.

Online Education Support provides an online form to facilitate course merge requests. To view or use the form, follow this Online Course Merge Request link. This form replaces previous methods for requesting course merges.

The Course Merge Request link is permanently located on the Online Education Support page in the left-side navigation. This link will always be active.

When the merge process is complete, only the merged course will be accessible to you and your students. Once students have begun interacting with a course, including course email, the merge process becomes less and less viable as an option. Please allow up to one week for the merge process to complete. Please submit any questions to Online Education Support at

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